Wednesday 5 October 2011

What Happened to my CAKE?

You worked hard and now the disappointment of seeing your cake fall when it comes out of the oven!  I won't get into the science of why this happens - because I really didn't listen to much in class - probably because they weren't talking about baking - then it might have caught my attention, but no it was stuff I didn't think I would ever use.  Ok ok I know some of you are thinking that if I had listened I might have really learned something that would apply to this - but I didn't so please don't lecture me, email or tweet me about the real scientific values of this lesson. :)
So for the cake falling:
  • oven temperature - don't rely on your oven - buy an oven temperature thermometer
  • movement while baking in the over - changing the rack, turning the pan or heaven forbid an earthquake - maybe just your kids jumping around the oven - something they should never do
  • the wrong kind of flour - too weak
  • poor quality of eggs - if they are sitting in  your fridge a month past the expiry date --- clean your fridge out :)
  • too much leavening agent in your recipe - yes I know sometimes I lose count too
  • too much air - don't over mix your batter
  • undercooked - you need to check that temperature and the time
Your cake can shrink too - unlike some of our waists from eating too much of it
  • too much leavening agent
  • too much water or liquid in your batter
  • your flour is too strong  Know your flour

See I didn't really need too much science to let you know what might have gone wrong :)

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